I am so frustrated. Today I went to pick Cole up from school and when I asked his teacher how his day was, she said,"I don't know Autumn, I don't know what to say anymore. He can't listen, I sent him to Ms. Sara's class. I don't know what he needs."
What do you mean? You don't know what to say? You don't know what he needs. How about.."He had a great morning, but mid day he was a big challenge. We tried to get him on the right track, but he did (fill in the blank)." "So I sent him to ___________'s class so him and I could have a break."
I just don't understand people anymore. When I taught pre school I had a lot of challenging kids. I know Cole is a big challenge, but really? Is it truly THAT bad? Then kick him out of pre school. Tell me you can't handle him and you are done. Save us both the negativity.
I am sorry I have no stories to tell today to make you laugh. I am irritated. Fed up. Frustrated.
I am Cole's mother and I know-in a pre school teacher's mind- that he is a handful. But I also know that I would never say to a parent "I dont know what to say anymore."
What a day.
I am done. Goodnight.