Wednesday, July 6, 2011


"Only I can change my life, No one can do it for me"-Carol Burnett

I am making a huge change in my life. It's funny how you just wake up one day and decide "I'm unhappy." Some people just go on about their day and "deal with it." I, on the otherhand, cannot deal with being unhappy. I thrive on happiness. So I woke up one morning and decided I was going to change my path once again.

I have been working as an Assistant Director for a pre school for almost 4 years. In the beginning, I was challenged and in a mode..."You can change the world, Autumn. You can fix things." I spent countless hours fixing the pre school, working my butt off, giving every minute of my time to my job. A few months ago, I woke up from the coma I had been in and realized, I am miserable. This is not what my life was supposed to be. I am done. You see I tried to change the world I was in and I realized I hadn't changed a thing, but that world had changed me. I am not the vibrant happy woman people once knew.  I am letting myself down. I once put my children and my husband before anything. I once put myself first. I no longer put anything before my job. My job has to come first. That is when I decided it wasn't for me anymore.

So I am taking a chance...A scary one at that, but it's now or never. It's up to me. i am leaving my safe corporate job and miving on to my next adventure. I will work less, spend more time with my family and have no regrets.

"Things do not change, We change." Henry David Thoreau

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